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"Beyond the Mexico" Book Project 2023-2024

Beyond the Mexico book project continues to provide books and environmental education to children in the monarch butterfly region.

May 10, 2024

Students compare compare and contrast moths and butterflies in Venn Diagram

The “Beyond the Mexico” book project is forging on, providing books and environmental lessons to schoolchildren around the MBBR.

In Fall 2022 into 2023, schools in two major monarch sanctuary areas and surrounding areas participated. The project has been led by Estela Romero, working with Journey North’s Symbolic Migration, and supported by Monarchs Across Georgia. Ms. Romero visited 17 schools and reached over 500 students and teachers! In one elementary school, after a lesson on moths, children went outside to recognize numerous insects and discover evidence of them eating and breeding in this wild habitat, a hands-on example of learning about their surroundings and the importance of habitat conservation!

In November 2023 through March 2024, Ms Romero visited 39 schools and presented locally important environmental lessons to 1,200 students! As they looked through the big, colorful books, students from the Samuel Ramos Kindergarten exclaimed "Water is everywhere! So many things live in water and depend on it for life! We do not want to see garbage around our homes. We promise we will place garbage in the right place and tell our seniors to keep our neighborhoods clean and green as is!" 

See more student testimonies on the Symbolic Monarch Migration website. 

Our surroundings should look just like nature with leaves, twigs, rocks, and bushes since they are home to so many species that could easily disappear if we choose to rake our yards to simply make them look tidy.

Niños de la escuela de kindergarden y primaria José Clemente Orozco
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