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The 2024 LPB Award Recipients Announced

Three excellent student proposals have been accepted for funding.

May 10, 2024

Congratulations to this year's students!

Charlotte Hovland, MS student, University of Georgia Odum School of Ecology

“Assessing Monarch Alternative Overwintering Sites in the Southeastern United States”

Helen St. John, James Madison University, Department of Biology 

“Migratory stage and the effect of Motus-compatible telemetry tags on monarch butterfly movement”

Nicole Yu, PhD Student, Biology Concordia University

“The Balcony Garden Project: using balconies to increase host plant and nectar resources in urban areas for monarch conservation”

Please visit our Lincoln P. Brower Awards page to read their proposed project abstracts and stay tuned for their results. 

Special note: We received many more applications than we are able to fund. While we regret that we cannot support more, we are delighted by the interest in monarch conservation and excellent questions posed by all of these students. Thank you to all who submitted a proposal for funding this year. 

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